26 September, 2006

soon running out of time......

soon running out of time......

As I write this its just 86 short hours left before my plane takes off from Stavanger, and I really wish I had more time for preparing for the trip. 86 hours,... 3 days,..... 3 working days..... 4 nights.... lots of washing/deciding/packing/checking..... trying to meet some friends to say bye.... collecting email/adresses.... fixing things at home...... buying and testing things for my travel... and so on... after all, its a bit more than a weekendstop at a nice hotel somewhere close.

I feel I have had very little time to read/look forward to the trip last month due to work and illness,
- so basicly I feel I have almost NO idea whats awaiting me then I find meself alone in Asia :-) I had plans to read about all countries ahead of the trip, so I could go directly to the places I found interesting, and also then be able to plan the transportation from place to place.

I least I finally decided on a modern backpack,... so far I've only used my old HomeGuard-backpack of the 50'ies. So... finally the importaint item for a backpacker... a BACKPACK.. :-)

2006-09-test4 018(2) 2006-09-test4 020(2)

So now the plan is to read about Beijing and North Corea on the plaine to Beijing, read about China in North-Corea, read about Vietnam in China, and so on :-) more or less to read ahead country by country... and/or take a couple of sunny "study-days" for the last part of the trip,. while Im having some relaxing days somewhere plessent.... Looks like I'm going make my way as I go.

Else..., - I didnt get the job I wanted, so now I will have no permanent job waiting for me at home, - so I will might have a chance to change my returndate... but so far, I will stick to my plan - more or less- in the start... and then we'll see what happens.

I will probably not really understand that I'm going to be travelling for so long, and so far away from home before I've been there for a while, ... and to start the journey in a country like North-Corea is really kind of unreal...

But,--- I feel I have not yet startet to look forward to the journey, - and my expextations are therefore none... then it can only be a good trip, cant it?

85,5 hours left till the plaine leaves Stavanger.... but who's counting...... ;-)

19 September, 2006

Initial log

Initial log

Hello All :-)

Welcome to my Travel (b)Log ...

I am now soon taking a journey in (southeast) Asia and is hereby inviting you to join me a little bit of the way, by reading my log....

I plan to get meself to different netcafe's or other places with internet sometimes during my travel... hopefully with 3-10 days interval, to give you all a update and some stories in my travel-letters - by mail...

This log will actually be a collection of these travel-letters. The reason I will not write directly into the Log on my journey, is that I'm not sure of the pc/internet possibilities I will meet as I travel, and my best guess is to keep it simple, - so I will send a common mail with my travel-letters to everyone who want to receive it - and the travel-letters will one my one be added to this site by a friend of me, - Roar.

SO !
if you want to receive my travel-letters, write me a mail to egil.viking@gmail.com FROM the mail you'd like to receive my travel-letters to.... and then you all will get my mails as I go along.

The reason I choose to travel in Asia is... - well... - because I could Happy My contract for a temperary job in Statoil ASA expires at the end of September 2006, - and then I decided that I needed a longer break/vacation, and... without a job, and without a girlfriend why not finally see the world... I was thinking before this summer a while of where to travel, and Asia, South/Latin-America and maybe Australia/New Zealand was my choosen alternatives... Then something catch my eye the next day, - an article in one of my local newspapers about a bicycletrip to North Corea!!! starting October 1st 2006,... the day after my contract ends, - so I think, - THIS is an exciting oppurtunity to get to se North Korea, - AND it happen to start the day after I end my contract... So I made my decition after talking with the orginator of the trip, Tore Nærland, and decided to take this trip, and then delay my returnticket back from Beijing. And then to use the time in between returning Pyongyang City, and returning Stavanger from Beijing, to travel much more of Asia Happy

SO ! if you want to receive my travel-letters, write me a mail to egil.viking@gmail.com FROM the mail you'd like to receive my travel-letters to.... and then you all will get my mails as I go along.

And if you want to contact me, write me mail to meihack@gmail.com the other mail is only for me to write my travel-letters.

Else, please also leave comments in this Log / site...

To all of you I will meet during my travel, - I'm SO looking forward to see you all soon..

And to all of you back in Stavanger / Norway, ... I see you all then (if?) I return :-)

I hope you will enjoy this,.... I know I will :-)

