15 July, 2010

PhotoStory 0007: Fishing with birds in Yangchou, China

Photos taken 2007-01-17, (Jan. 17th) at the river close to Yangchou ( utside Gui-Lin) in China.

I got a suggestion to find a photo where I got involved with some local traditions - and most times I did something like that - I was to busy to ask someone to take photo of me - so I post some more touristy ones...

I this aria they used to use birds for fishing - and as we were standing there wathing the riverlife and nice view (actually the mountains in the top photo is the same view as the motive used for the 20 yuan money note in China )

- this old man crossed the river ..

- comes up to us and -

- and imidiately put on me the hat - and the stick with the birds on... - so there I was - all ready to go fishing ;)

to bad the sun was against the camera - so you cant really se my face...

ps please comment the photo if you like, and grade it from 0 to 10(best) after your liking

egil viking . . . www.meihack.org

14 July, 2010

PhotoStory 0006: Gyeongbok-gung Palace in Seoul, South Korea

Photos taken 2007-01-08, (Jan. 8th) at the Gyeongbok-gung Palace in Seoul, South Korea

The name of the palace, Gyeongbokgung, translates in English as "Palace Greatly Blessed by Heaven."

Wikipedias article about this palace will be more detailed than my decribtion.

I'll posted a row of photos from outside, guards changes, inside, some details and from the Korean Folk Museum just on the outskirt.
Entrance, guards position at the gate, and changing of the guards:

Inside the main gate:

The Kings chamber house (notice the protective details on the roof):

Other buildings and structures at/around the palace:

From the Korean Folk Museum at the palace (from really early korean coulture):

How the palace and city around it was in earlier days:

Its a long time since I was there now - and to be frank I dont remember that much details - and I was walking around here with no guiding or knowlege before I went there, - but still it was a very plessent trip and experience - even it was freecing cold :-)

ps please comment the photo if you like, and grade it from 0 to 10(best) after your liking

egil viking . . . www.meihack.org

31 May, 2007

About this site - How to read meihack.org

Hi -and welcome to meihack.org. I'm Egil Meihack, and this is basicly my travelsite and blog for my 4 months travel in Asia in 2006-2007 ( in 13 different countries ++ ). Now then I have been home a little while, and I want to make it to a online album and "diary" about my travel, - as well as my future travels, - where- and whenever all these will take place... :-) Hopefully there will be a few to come... Later I also want to put in some more information about the places I've been, and lots of different traveladvices and other interesting things for those of you might thinking of going to some of the places I write about...

I've tried to part the interesting parts in a prefeerable manner on my meny to the top right, andas a first look I recommend TravelStories (under Stories) and Gallery the most, - as well as my setup/linkscollections sorted by traveldate, or by country.

My main reason to plan for this trip was my ever-repeating dream to travel for a long time.. and many times I postpone the idea, thinking I had no time, or that I had not enought money.... so finally I decided that enought was enought, and startet planning for real... I wrote some more about it and some time-pressed preparations in my first two posts: no 1: Initial Log and no 2: soon running out of time...... And the I was finally on the move... first stop North Korea ( my first travelletter: The North Korean experience ). My plans was to write all stories while travelling, but after 7-8 weeks I startet to get trouble keeping up the writingpace, at the same time as I increased my travelspeed... so as of May I still have not written half the travelstories I planned to.. I hope to do so this summer.... - and before I go on my next vacation...

I plan to take anouther trip to Asia this late summer/start of autum, more spesific to China. I have still not decided my detailed plan, but I will move more slowly in general this time :-) Also I would like to visit more places in Asia, and elsewhere in the world in general, but as of May, 2007 my mind is set on China... then I'll have to see where else I go in future...

There might also be som new or old stories from different places in europe as well, as I might write about shorter travels during this time as well... we'll see...

thanks for using your time,... now . . . go ahead and have a look around on my site... and enjoy... and by all means, please contact me with suggestions, comments and feed-back


I just did a recalibration of my menu of meihack.org, - witch I hope will be for the better, - so here is a very short explination of the "new" menu-lines:

About this site: its this very document you are currently reading... a short explination about this site, and som explaining of the menu/links.

All Stories: Explaining how I choose to part my stories in 3 different categories

TravelStories: My travelstories weekly, or by country nicely put together as a full story
PhotoStories: My story behind/around a photo, - trying to decribe the moment at the time
TopicStories: Taking time to decribe a topic, or to compare different experiences

Country Overview: Collection of links to my stories and photos (and later other external links) about each country.

Gallery: The overview of my photoes, sortet in a gallery, mostly by country (or by topic) + some videos.

TheTravels by date
: Overview of my stories and photos, sorted by dates, so you can read and see your way throught my travel, - bit by bit... place by place.

Egil Viking
: My travel was done in the late part of the season, and missing the last matches of the leauge was not easy, - but I did what I could to keep Viking in my mind, and make the Viking name known in Asia...

Site Overview
: Sitemap - links to all my articles/posts

Links: Links to different external sites


While writing from my travel, I found it naturally to devide my stories into 3 different categories (and 3 different tags), as well as devide the stories between contries in most cases.

Travelstories basicly contain stories from my time travelling in a country, or parts of a contry, - more or less a summary of my days there. Sometimes a day will be described in details while other days will only be briefly mentioned. I try to presenting a little bit of most highlights during my travelling. It all comes down to my memory and mood of the moment of writing, - and what I think would be of most interest for most people reading it.

Photostories are basicly my story around one of my photos, where I blog around a single photo, or a series of photoes from the same place. I might just write about my feelings or impressions at the time of the photo, or I might write some more factbaced. It's said that a photo can tell you more than 1000 words, but many of my photoes will tell me a lot more than you, as there might be a story around/behind it… - please feel free to request. Also I would very much appriciate comments on my photoes, - with or without grading them :-) .

TopicStories are basicly my story around a certain topic, or theme, like where on my travel did I like the food the best, the hotels, the toilets, the bars, the people, where was the cheapest rooms, the cutest girls and so on, - or just some funny/sad/interesting things that I didn't write in a travelstory. It could also be my comparing certain habits or way of doing things in different parts of Asia, or comparing travelexperiences with home... or maybe a "photostory" I simply dont have a photo to show... or my thoughts about some aspects of travelling... anything really... if you have any requests in general, - please feel free to request. Also I would very much appriciate comments. :-)

About TravelStories : - - - : All Travelstories tagged (newest on top)
About PhotoStories : - - - : All Photostories tagged (newest on top)
About TopicStories : - - - : All TopicStories tagged (newest on top)

Same list under here, with Permalinks showing, - If you like to link to any of my articles - feel free to do so, as long as you make clear its an article from www.meihack.org
If you are uncertain, please mail me on egil.viking@gmail.com

About TravelStories: http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=tra-stories
About PhotoStories: http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=pho-stories
About TopicStories: http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=top-stories

All Travelstories tagged (newest on top): http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=Travelstory

All Photostories tagged (newest on top): http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=Photostories

All TopicStories tagged (newest on top): http://www.meihack.org/index.php?categories=TopicStories

Country Overview

Here I want to collect all my articles/photoes and links that are useful, and put them in order country by country... at the moment I have just done it with my own links, - and this page is to get a serious facelift later... So far this is just to contain the links somewhere...


Nord Korea:

Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesnorthkorea/index.html

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: The North Korean experience http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=5483925400526534115


TopicStories: Some small stories from North-Korea http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=4217668515741537184


Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypictureschina/index.html

10-10-2006 - 21-10-2006: A little hello from China http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=3542400788641377286




Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturescambodia/index.html

21-10-2006 - 27-10-2006: Hell and Heaven in Cambodia... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=7723817645451609716
28-10-2006 - 02-11-2006: A little report from Siem Reap... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=5670039334416564865

23-10-2006 PhotoStory 0005: Royal Garden in Phnom Penh, Cambodia http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=1734675623350794271
29-10-2006 PhotoStory 0003: Khmer Traditional Dancing in Siem Reap http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=3661866406719543879


Viet Nam:

Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesvietnam/index.html

02-11-2006 - 08-11-2006: Good morning Viet Nam... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=7956860918508972562
08-11-2006 - 16-11-2006: Same same ! ( - but different... ) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=6189305876036328877




Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/laos/index.html

16-11-2006 - 24-11-2006: Excitingly relaxing Laos... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=6081685598740992077




Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/thailand/index.html

24-11-2006 - 29-11-2006: Thailand Short visit in Thailand... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=631773241966944165



Myanmar (Burma):

Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/myanmar/index.html

29-11-2006 - 07-12-2006: On the Road in Marvelously Friendly Myanmar http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=8971058611737491154

01-12-2006 PhotoStory 0002: Buddha in Ananda Temple in Bagan (Myanmar/Burma) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=3097062959521538842
03-12-2006 PhotoStory 0001: Young (leg-rowing) fisherman at the Inle Lake http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=254261062858397030
04-12-2006 PhotoStory 0004: Shy boy in the hills over Inle Lake, Myanmar (Burma) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=1517666384024051156



Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/malaysia/index.html










The Gallery is about to getting a bit of a different soulution, which we are currently testing out on Malaysia, and I also expect the galleryphotoes to be a little different and more photoes to be picked out then we do this. Also there will be possible to use/pay for using these photoes (and others on request... mail me at egil.viking@gmail.com if you have any interest for using my photos for commersial reasons

All galleries: (same list with permalinks showing - see longer down)

Main Gallery

Nord Korea : - : China : - : Cambodia : - : Viet Nam : - : Laos : - : Thailand : - : Myanmar (Burma) : - : Malaysia : - : more to come...

Different Videos: and Egil Viking:

Same list under here, with Permalinks showing, - If you like to link to any of my galleries - feel free to do so, as long as you make clear its a gallery from www.meihack.org
If you do so, please mail me on egil.viking@gmail.com

Main Gallery: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/index.html

Nord Korea: http://ww.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesnorthkorea/index.html

China: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypictureschina/index.html

Cambodia: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturescambodia/index.html

Viet Nam: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesvietnam/index.html

Laos: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/laos/index.html

Thailand: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/thailand/index.html

Myanmar (Burma): http://www.meihack.org/gallery/myanmar/index.html

Malaysia: http://www.meihack.org/gallery/malaysia/index.html


Egil Viking:

Chronological Stories and Photoes

All stories and photoes in chronological dates:
(same list with permalinks showing - see longer down)

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: TravelStory: The North Korean experience

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: TopicStories: Some small stories from North-Korea

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: Gallery

10-10-2006 - 21-10-2006: China: TravelStory: A little hello from China

10-10-2006 - 21-10-2006: China: Gallery

21-10-2006 - 27-10-2006: Cambodia: TravelStory: Hell and Heaven in Cambodia...

23-10-2006 PhotoStory 0005: Royal Garden in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

28-10-2006 - 02-11-2006: Cambodia: TravelStory: A little report from Siem Reap...

29-10-2006 PhotoStory 0003: Khmer Traditional Dancing in Siem Reap

21-10-2006 - 02-11-2006: Cambodia: Gallery

02-11-2006 - 08-11-2006: Viet Nam: TravelStory: Good morning Viet Nam...

08-11-2006 - 16-11-2006: Viet Nam: TravelStory: Same same ! ( - but different... )

02-11-2006 - 16-11-2006: Viet Nam: Gallery

16-11-2006 - 24-11-2006: Laos: TravelStory: Excitingly relaxing Laos...

16-11-2006 - 24-11-2006: Laos: Gallery

24-11-2006 - 29-11-2006: Thailand: TravelStory: Short visit in Thailand...

24-11-2006 - 29-11-2006: Thailand: Gallery

29-11-2006 - 07-12-2006: Myanmar (Burma): TravelStory: On the Road in Marvelously Friendly Myanmar

01-12-2006 PhotoStory 0002: Buddha in Ananda Temple in Bagan (Myanmar/Burma)

03-12-2006 PhotoStory 0001: Young (leg-rowing) fisherman at the Inle Lake

04-12-2006 PhotoStory 0004: Shy boy in the hills over Inle Lake, Myanmar (Burma)

29-11-2006 - 07-12-2006: Myanmar (Burma): Gallery

07-12-2006 - 12-12-2006: Malaysia TravelStory: comming

07-12-2006 - 12-12-2006: Malaysia: Gallery

Same list under here, with Permalinks showing, - If you like to link to any of my articles - feel free to do so, as long as you make clear its an article from www.meihack.org
If you are uncertain, please mail me on egil.viking@gmail.com

All in chronological travelling:
03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: TravelStory: The North Korean experience http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=5483925400526534115

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: TopicStories: Some small stories from North-Korea http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=4217668515741537184

03-10-2006 - 10-10-2006: North Korea: Gallery http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesnorthkorea/index.html

10-10-2006 - 21-10-2006: China: TravelStory: A little hello from China

10-10-2006 - 21-10-2006: China: Gallery

21-10-2006 - 27-10-2006: Cambodia: TravelStory: Hell and Heaven in Cambodia... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=7723817645451609716

23-10-2006 PhotoStory 0005: Royal Garden in Phnom Penh, Cambodia http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=1734675623350794271

28-10-2006 - 02-11-2006: Cambodia: TravelStory: A little report from Siem Reap... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=5670039334416564865

29-10-2006 PhotoStory 0003: Khmer Traditional Dancing in Siem Reap http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=3661866406719543879

21-10-2006 - 02-11-2006: Cambodia: Gallery

02-11-2006 - 08-11-2006: Viet Nam: TravelStory: Good morning Viet Nam...

08-11-2006 - 16-11-2006: Viet Nam: TravelStory: Same same ! ( - but different... ) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=6189305876036328877

02-11-2006 - 16-11-2006: Viet Nam: Gallery http://www.meihack.org/gallery/gallerypicturesvietnam/index.html

16-11-2006 - 24-11-2006: Laos: TravelStory: Excitingly relaxing Laos...

16-11-2006 - 24-11-2006: Laos: Gallery

24-11-2006 - 29-11-2006: Thailand: TravelStory: Short visit in Thailand... http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=631773241966944165

24-11-2006 - 29-11-2006: Thailand: Gallery http://www.meihack.org/gallery/thailand/index.html

29-11-2006 - 07-12-2006: Myanmar (Burma): TravelStory: On the Road in Marvelously Friendly Myanmar


01-12-2006 PhotoStory 0002: Buddha in Ananda Temple in Bagan (Myanmar/Burma) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=3097062959521538842

03-12-2006 PhotoStory 0001: Young (leg-rowing) fisherman at the Inle Lake http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=254261062858397030

04-12-2006 PhotoStory 0004: Shy boy in the hills over Inle Lake, Myanmar (Burma) http://www.meihack.org/index.php?id=1517666384024051156

29-11-2006 - 07-12-2006: Myanmar (Burma): Gallery http://www.meihack.org/gallery/myanmar/index.html

07-12-2006 - 12-12-2006: Malaysia: TravelStory: comming

07-12-2006 - 12-12-2006: Malaysia: Gallery http://www.meihack.org/gallery/malaysia/index.html